
Pricing your home is both an art and a science. Achieving the optimal price is the result of both objective research into comparable properties and a gut feeling about your property and the current market.

The right price should:

The simple fact is, price is the number one factor that most homebuyers use to determine which homes they want to view. And it’s important to remember that, although the price is set by you, the value of the home is determined by the buyer. Try to avoid allowing your enthusiasm to impact your better judgment – overpricing is a common mistake that can cost you in the end.

The Importance of Proper Pricing

What really matters is how your home stacks up against the others currently offered for sale and recently sold in your neighborhood. Buyers will be comparing.

Common Reasons for Overpricing

Dangers of Overpricing

The Role of a Real Estate Agent in Pricing

An agent has NO control over the market, only the marketing plan. Never select an agent based on price.